Energetic certification
In cooperation with our business partners Ketrin LTD renders a low priced energetic certification.
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According to Ordinance of Energetic certification of buildings, each building or apartment bigger than 50m2 obliged to obtain energetic certificate.
Energetic certificate is document which main purpose is to provide information about energetic characteristics of building to landlords and users of property.
Residential and nonresidential buildings are classified in eight categories according to energetic scale starting from +A to G. +A category is the most auspicious, and G category is the most unfavourable. The higher rated building means better life quality or work effectiveness as result of reduced temperature oscillations and decrement of costs of heating and cooling compering to other lower rated categories. Higher rated categories, such as +A and A usually requires implementation of renewable energy which reduces total energy consumption per square meter. New buildings with good quality thermal protection usually are not rated with category higher then B.
The certificate is valid for 10 years.